
What next?

The next few months will simply be time out on some country roads and bike trails. I am looking at getting in a possible 1/2 marathon and two good trail runs in. Hope to get that figured out here in the next week. Until then here are some pics from a run I had on a trail a few weeks back.



What does one get for trekking 53 miles in 100 degree heat and humidity?

This Is Z Talking! This Bloggers son! While my dad was doing this race me,my sister,my friends, and our parents were a the swimming pool,playing at my friends house, and we went to an Narnia Exhibit!

In other words staying cool!!!


Papio Mayors Tri 09

This was a great day for a race. Temps started around 65-70. by the time the run portion kicked in it was still only mid 70's. I pretty much did what I wanted, finish and improve on last years time.


Papio Duathlon 09

This was a great day. Fathers day morning, good weather and my son got out to help me run our first race together. It was warm but not to bad. The run portion was covered by my son and I handled the bike. So for his first race, other than the 1 milers, he did 4 miles in about 41 minutes. Very cool. Should have some good pics coming but here are some until then.


Ni-Bthaska-Ke 12K Trail Run

HOLY C..... That may have been the toughest race I have had. My body was cramping from the 4 mile mark on. The Course is an absolute killer.

"12k course is on rugged and very hilly single track terrain.total elevation change was GPSed at 3400 feet."

Not sure how to explain that other than it hurts. Up small hills, down small hills climb over some trees, Jump a creek. I can't ask for a better course, I just was not prepared nutritionaly.

Need to find more like this. It hurt but was a blast.

Just to try and rank this against other races here is my equation.

(tot. elevation/Race distance) * 12 = rise in Inches per foot


State Farm: First race of the season

Well the 11th State Farm run was this morning and the weather was arctic like. Windchill was below the 20 degree level so I was pretty much wearing 4 layers just to fight the wind. The coures was the MO-PAC and was flat and fast. Great scenery for a nice run.